Our Journey

When we live inspired lives ~ the real magic begins! We are Chris and Sheri Rathburn and we want to share our inspired life with you.
Welcome to OmGoods!
My beloved and I are so passionate and talented in so many things; there is never a dull moment with us! Since the day we met, many moons ago, we have always deeply enjoyed brainstorming ideas. We love sharing our dreams and ideas and combining our many talents and expertise to bring those beautiful concepts to life!
What makes OmGoods even more special? The simple fact that we adore one another and love being together! That love and adoration is infused into ALL that we do and ALL that we create!
My background is rich with all things creative and artistic. I was a professional interior designer and fine artist with my own company for 22 years. Then, through my personal spiritual and healing journey, my greatest talents emerged! I found my highest home frequency within the world of meditation, energy healing and sound and vibrational therapies. Through my 16 years of work and dedication in those fields, my intuitive, empathic and artistic gifts have grown exponentially. and continue to be the center of all that I offer through my company Om2Ohm, which is the parent company to OmGoods!

My husband, Chris, is absolutely brilliant and has more than 30 years experience and expertise as a web developer and creator of some of the most groundbreaking software available! Chris combines those incredible talents with countless other gifts, including extensive knowledge of 3D printing, woodworking, designing, creating and problem-solving.
Together we are a dynamic powerhouse, to say the least, and together we are always in flow where we are deeply attuned to our creative practice and our every evolving, inspired life!
Thank YOU for choosing to ride along with us on our journey!